Γεράσιμος Τσαγκαράκης

The charm of the «Noise» – Gerasimos Tsagkarakis

2015 MUSIC
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From the music pieces you will enjoy a tour around the world of percussion instruments that may be unknown in the audience. Selective composes from the solo repertoire of percussion instruments,where some of those are presented for the first time in Greece, conclude to a very interesting, intense and enjoying experience for the audience. Gerasimos Tsagarakis will present pieces from Askell Masson, Casey Cangelosi, Alexej Gerassimez, J.S. Bach, Iani Xenaki and Krystian Skubala, hoping to charm and impart to the audience the timeless rhythm and the energy that exhale the percussion instruments, while making the audience to review their views for the percussion instruments. The variety of music in combination with multirythm patterns, the interaction of the audience with the theatrical moves of the player, conclude to composing a special unforgetable performance.

Start time
2015 MUSIC
Open Theatre of Andros